The temples in Chiang Mai are not the remains of ancient forests hidden in remote mountains.

Chiang Mai’s faith is not above the secular level.

Coming down from Puping Palace, the cloudy sky suddenly became clear, and the resplendent Shuanglong Temple glistened in the sun.

Shuanglong Temple is the only temple in Chiang Mai that burns incense. Perhaps, this is another temple that is legendary and effective.

The memory of Shuanglong Temple is a golden color, scorching temperature on the soles of the feet and devout eyes.

This is also the temple with the most tourists in Chiang Mai.

It was in Songde Temple that I was really moved by the temples in Chiang Mai.

I have seen too many temples with prosperous incense and crowded wishes. I went up the steps barefoot and walked into the temples. My heart was instantly soft and serene.

This is the power of the temple in the ancient city. Believe it or not.

Sorghum is picked up, and the windows around embrace the open light, broad and bright.

Barefoot into the temple, there is no kneeling table, everyone can casually sit on the floor, at a comfortable distance to the gods and Buddhas to pour out their inner hopes or just meditate.

For Doudou, who does not understand Buddha, the moment is more like sitting quietly in front of another oneself.

Now I am even embarrassed to make a wish in front of Buddha.

Buddha will be very busy, listening to the wishes of so many people every day. Birth, aging, illness and death, love, hate, love and hatred, promotion and wealth……

I’m afraid Buddha will smile at my wish now.

-I will try my best to eat well, live regularly and exercise sometimes. I hope Buddha can give me health.

-I will…….., hope………

I think, I already understand everything in the world, probably can’t escape personal efforts to add a little divine favor and coincidence. I pray that some chance can happen to me.

Perhaps I wish I could remember the moment of relaxation, magnanimity and refreshment.

Sometimes these things are luxury goods. I hope to bring this inner each back to Beijing and to the future.

At that moment, the words that came out of my mind were: balance, power. I hope I can be more calm, comfortable and clear in thinking and behavior. I hope I can have positive power on myself and the people and things around me.

Then I went to Pasin Temple, which was more popular, but there was still a kind of peace flowing in time and space, both during the day and at night. It seems that only some temples in Tibet give me the power to go twice a year, but it is really natural to implement them in Chiang Mai, because there will be no tickets at all, because it is always open to everyone.

The real power, without deliberate words and shaping, naturally radiates this invisible power of confidence and tolerance:

Even if children from afar are playing here, even if dogs are staring blankly outside the temple, their glory will still be damaged.

In the famous Chiang Mai Sunday night market, shops of various colors even set up in temples.

Leading out the power of kindness, smoothness, tolerance and happiness in human nature is the best power of faith.

The shapes of Buddhas are probably colors and lines for layman Doudou, which cannot arouse devout eyes at once.

However, when entering every temple, the monk said welcome and smiled with indifference and joy, as if to come here. Here, it is a very happy thing. As for the absence of tickets, whether you donate or not is not a matter of concern at all.

I listened to the breeze blowing the bell outside the temple and watched them fold every white lotus carefully. I saw a monk tidying up two long bundles of grass.

I tied it up with him and asked, “This grass is called what?” Does it mean what?

He said: The weather is hot, put it in the temple, see green, everyone will feel cool……

Perhaps no one in the domestic toll-free scenic spots will consider the feelings of the newcomers.

There will be some sign boxes in some temples in Chiang Mai. Doug feels that some things need to be handed over to the sky, so he shakes one when he is idle. Well, it’s free. He can find the sign paper himself. It doesn’t matter if he can’t understand Thai. The answer is Chinese, English and Thai.

Outside the temple, you may see this strange combination of Chiang Mai people, Western tourists and monks. When you were watching the war, they asked in English with various accents: Where are you coming from?

In fact, it doesn’t matter where we come from. What matters is that we are here and the years are quiet.

The most vicissitudes of life are the Great Buddha Pagoda Temple. From glory to decline to decline, the dynasty remembered the vicissitudes of life brick by brick, only the Bodhi beside it grew round by round.

Faith has been well inherited in this land. This inheritance is between attentive kowtowing and every smile and friendly greeting that can be seen everywhere.

Doudou sat and rested in front of the historic site of the Great Buddha Temple while several migrant workers were having lunch.

Compared with our migrant workers, they are much happier, with grilled fish and meat skewers. Of course, happiness lies not only in the content of food, but also in the happiness that can be felt.

They asked me if I had eaten and if I would like to try Thai food.

I smiled and said thank you.

I was dumbfounded to see them take a fresh chili and send it directly to their mouth.

They said do you want to try it? Doug picked up one and took a bite carefully. Mama Mi, she knew that Mexican chili was famous in the world, but she did not know that Thai chili was also duty-bound.

Doug’s super-poor fighting capacity caused everyone to laugh.

Here, happiness seems really simple.

It is a good thing to believe without superstition.

Compared with Bangkok’s famous temples, Chiang Mai’s temples are low-key and gorgeous.

Even the king is not a high-ranking posture.

Even the king seemed to shine with Buddha’s pity. (The admiration and worship of King Bhumibol in Thailand is a big and complicated topic, which I cannot understand.)

It is difficult to say that there is a temple at the corner of that street. They are in the secular world, but they have the power to pull people out of the secular world a little.

Even if it cannot be detached from the world, it can at least give you some experience of peace and introspection in your life.

That kind of feeling: it seems that an old friend has come. The old friend can be a better self in his ideal or those who also inspire you in his life.

Chiang Mai Temple Tourism Tips:

1. Shuanglong Temple, except Sutie Mountain, basically does not burn incense and does not charge tickets. Tickets to Shuanglong Temple are 6 yuan? Some people sell tickets, but no one checks them. It’s all up to them.

2. Temples can be seen everywhere in the ancient city. There will not be too many people in what, so it is a good choice to choose a slow morning and evening that is not too hot. Doudou even wants to read books and listen to music in the cool and ventilated temple hall at noon, which seems to be a good idea, and it seems that people will not care at all. Anyway, the spiritual home is good for peace and comfort.

3. Chiang Mai’s temples don’t have so many rules and regulations, but temples have to take off their shoes when entering the temples, and suspenders and shorts are not suitable. Therefore, shoes are convenient to wear and take off, and proper clothes are to do as the Romans do, which will also make their temple trip smooth.

4. Many small temples in Chiang Mai will have all kinds of dogs lazily scattered everywhere, which is the kind of very standard dogs, the dogs Doudou feared most before. However, the dogs here also seem to have Buddha nature. They do not show evil eyes and seldom bark. I think no one has ever hurt them. Naturally, they will not fear. Naturally, they will not be ferocious without fear.

5. For temples and even street sweeping trips in the ancient city, renting a bicycle is a good choice, which costs more than 10 yuan a day. The whole ancient city is flat. It is very energy-saving not to go up and down the slope. Just pay attention: drive on the left…