2008-02 Kho Phi-phi, Thailand
Their poverty and ignorance, and look up at your eyes, people can’t forget. How can I have the heart to trick them into taking photos with colorful candy? Although countless photography textbooks will proudly recommend this “technique” to you. The children are not fish, the sea fish that flock to the bread. It’s really fun to throw down the bread. It’s fun to surround and intercept the sea fish on your side, which you have never experienced on land. But the children are not fish. They only open their timid black eyes. Their thick black eyelashes roll up. On their dirty little faces, their eyes flow like clear spring water. If you give candy, please be sincere. Don’t take pictures of candy to trick them. If anyone did that, they should be ashamed of their actions. In Gannan, when I picked up my camera and aimed it at an old Tibetan woman who was turning the Sutra, she angrily set up a crutch. So I put down the machine and bowed down to apologize to her. In Gannan, we met two young girls who volunteered to be guides, took us to the heaven burial platform, dodged the monks and chatted with each other easily and excitedly. At last I took a good picture of them. With plateau red on their cheeks, their shy smiles look like flowers. I would rather they were so natural. The subjects give you the most direct and real reaction, so that you can experience their mood, feelings and thoughts. If you want it, don’t want it. Instead of using any means to cheat trust, and then further obtain permission to shoot. The child staggered closer to me, stumbled, and sat on the ground, laughing. lovely child. She waved dirty little hands to me, I was about to squat down to help her, but her mother pulled her over, scolded her loudly, and nodded to apologize to us. I know. My mother is afraid that the children will dirty my skirt. On this island full of luxury hotels and resorts and private beaches, their existence is indeed disharmonious. They live on the other side of the island, which tourists usually don’t go to. There are no fine beaches, only reefs and rubbish. In the evening, the family huddled in a simple wooden house, and in the daytime came to the weaved coast for living. It is said that in Cambodia, poverty is even more shocking. “Boys grow up begging, girls grow up prostitution” — when I saw a photographer write down what he saw, my heart is not generally uncomfortable. Fortunately, Thailand is not so poor. At least the child in front of her, I believe she will do some tourism business when she grows up, such as opening a long tail boat, such as a BBQ stall. Phi Phi Island is full of flowers all over the world. Children are better, more vital, more healthy and tenacious than flowers. They live a better life.