I really don’t want to do nothing. I am also idle when I am idle. I’d better write down the travel notes of Thailand. It is also a reward and thanks to the small partners who helped on the website at the beginning. A total of two weeks in Thailand, 1.25-2.8. Unhurriedly, I went to three places, Bangkok-Jiami-Chiang Mai. The happiest thing is to see Thailand’s extremely beautiful seascape. It really does not need any modification. It is a picture when it is included in the camera. No wonder so many people go to take wedding photos. I am also prepared to go. Although the strong sun makes people hard to open their eyes, when I see those beautiful pictures in the future, everything is worth it. The most comfortable thing is to enjoy the professional Thai Massage at an ultra-low price, regardless of whether we are tired or not, go when we have nothing to do. The most worrying thing is to find a way to satisfy the picky stomach. Although I tasted some Thai food, I couldn’t help it. Who told me that Chinese food was too powerful? After a week, I began to miss it.

Let’s take a few pictures first, non-professional photography, without any PS:

美吧,接下来,就按我的老模式,分以下几个方面来啰嗦几句,希望对接下来去玩的伙伴们有点帮助。一.关于天气 只能说,尽管是天气凉爽的一月底了,出门前还是乖乖地做好防晒工作吧,除非你就是铁了心想把自己晒黑的主儿。第一天在曼谷的周末市场闲逛,掉以轻心了,出门忘了喷,虽然一半的时间还在棚下呢,结果晚上回去后,胸前就出现了明显的V字红印,脖子也是重灾区,事后开始脱皮,即便接下来的每次外出,都一层一层的喷防晒,但为时已晚了。其实晒黑点无所谓,就怕晒坏了,和那些在沙滩上狂晒的不同,我们的辨认度非常高,如果当时在沙滩上看到一位年纪在六十上下,头戴遮阳镜,大沿的遮阳帽,外加一把防晒雨伞的人,那就是我妈妈了,绝对好认。

2. As for the schedule, it varies according to the duration of the holiday and personal preferences. My schedule is specially arranged during the Chinese New Year. I can go back to spend the New Year with my family or travel with my family. My family flies to Bangkok from Hong Kong and my husband and I fly to Bangkok from England for two weeks from 1.25 to 2.8. 1.25 Saturday, Landing at Bangkok’s new airport at night, Hotel check-in, Later, I will join my family. Sunday, January 26, Visit Bangkok’s largest Chadoucha Weekend Market on Monday, 1.27, Flying in the morning, Familiar with the environment, Visit the night market on Tuesday, January 28, Wandering, seaside, Small street, and went to the small town of Jiami, Buy New Year snacks and fruits on Wednesday, 1.29, Wandering, seaside, Hotel, Swimming and Playing Mahjong Thursday, 1.30, Arrange a sea trip, Look at the beautiful island, Snorkeling, with wedding photos taken by the sea, Friday, 1.31, Wandering, focusing on the sunset scenery by the sea on Saturday, 2.1, Wandering, seaside, Street, or hotel, 2.2 Sunday, Fly to Chiang Mai in the morning, Visit the ancient city in the afternoon, Visit Chiang Mai’s largest weekend night market at night on Monday, 2.3, Visit the ancient city, participate in shooting events, visit the night market on Tuesday, 2.4, in the afternoon, the jungle elephant tour, visit the night market on Wednesday, 2.5, fly back to Bangkok in the afternoon, visit the shopping center near the hotel on Thursday, 2.6, visit the Grand Palace, watch the Mekong River on Friday, 2.7, continue shopping, and go to the airport at night to consider one: Chiang Mai in the north and the islands in the south are the only choices for Bangkok to travel. I don’t like temples, so I went to Chiang Mai just to take a turn, ride elephants and massage. I don’t need to stay too long. The seaside is the highlight, staying for the longest time. I specially avoided Phuket Island and other places with a large number of tourists and chose Jiami with fewer tourists to seek peace. It also coincides with the traditional Chinese New Year and is not suitable for traveling. As a matter of fact, the fond memories of Jiami are still in sight. At that time, it was entirely possible to arrange another 2 days to reduce the time later in Bangkok. Consideration 2: The itinerary covers just two weekends. Because the weekend market in Bangkok and the weekend night market in Chiang Mai have strict time requirements, if you want to catch up with these two markets, you have to consider the itinerary sequence. According to the length of stay, I ordered Jiami before Chiang Mai. Consideration 3: Bangkok, as the capital, is also a transit point for flights and must be chosen. However, the stay time does not need to be too long. If you don’t want to visit here, you are not a shopaholic or a person who doesn’t love the Grand Palace, you can directly transfer to another place at Bangkok Airport. Three. Regarding expenses, of course, the premise depends on how corrupt you want to be. Hotels and air tickets are the biggest expenses. Due to the origin and the total number of people traveling, there will be some differences in the expenses for dining and playing. It is said that it can save half, or at least one third, in the off season. On average, the overall expenditure is over 10,000 per capita. The premise is that we didn’t rob the so-called red-eye flight of AirAsia. We booked the flight normally according to the best time of the schedule. There were 2 international flights and 4 domestic flights in Thailand, because there was no direct flight from Jiami to Chiang Mai and we had to transit in Bangkok. Hotels are all booked on Accor, adhering to the principle of as little corruption as possible in comfort. Fortunately, they have found a good OFFER. All four-star and five-star hotels have promotional activities, which are very cost-effective. Stay at the hotel, The first condition is that the geographical location should be convenient: Bangkok Hotels: Hotel De Bangkok) 280 yuan/room/night with breakfast Jiami Hotel: Centara Anda Dhevi Resort and Spa) 882 yuan/room/night excluding early Chiang Mai Hotel: Wangburapa Grand Hotel) 277 yuan/room/evening with breakfast Bangkok Hotel: The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam costs 453 yuan/room/night, excluding the hotel that stayed in Bangkok on the first night. It is 5 minutes’ journey near the north of RATCHAPROROP Station on the Airport Express. The transportation is convenient. It takes 30 minutes to go to the new airport by direct express, 20 minutes to go to the old airport by 300 baht TAXI. It takes 20 minutes to change to the light rail after taking one stop on the express at the weekend market, and 15 minutes to walk south along the main road is the famous shopping center. The hotel is designed as a three-star economy hotel. It looks comfortable, serves well, and breakfast is exquisite and delicious. The only thing that interferes with me is the sound of cars at night. Usually I sleep on the pillow. I didn’t feel it the first night because of jet lag, but I was woken up at 3 o’clock in the morning the next night, and then I couldn’t sleep. I heard that my father didn’t sleep well either. Therefore, friends who feel light should pay attention.

Needless to say, the facilities and services of the five-star hotel before leaving Bangkok echo the north and south of the previous hotel, that is, five minutes south of RATCHAPROROP Station on the Airport Express. After returning to Bangkok again, we are already quite familiar with this area and can even walk back to the hotel from Monument Station after dinner. The neon lights of CENTRAL WORLD and BIG C can be seen upstairs. Walk for 5 minutes. There will be night markets and snacks downstairs. What will have what. It is the first choice for those who want to go shopping before leaving Thailand.


清迈的酒店是具有清迈特色的古木风格设计,当然,习惯了四星酒店的时尚范,一时间还真不太适应这种民族风的,想想总要体验些不同,就宽慰自己安心接受吧。其实酒店还好,设备基本齐全(没有热水壶,楼下有供热水的地方),相当安静,早餐也不错,看到好多云南来的自驾车队。最主要的是,酒店的地理位置非常棒,在古城的右下方,出门就是河边,去夜市也只是分分钟的事。其它消费开支: 四岛游,2500铢,旅游点比较价格后选择的,出海包的长尾船,早10点至晚4点,包水果(菠萝)和瓶装水,不含午餐和进岛费,早饭吃好,其实不需要午餐,带点零食上船。名字没特别去记,没搜错的话,就是这四个,【莫岛Moh island】【波达岛poda island】【管子岛Tube island】【鸡岛Chicken island】。先去的那个有攀岩的岛,沙滩也不错,人蛮多。风景最美的那个应该就是波达岛poda island了,听说中心有一块圈起来的地方,进里面的话,要额外收费,本身海边沙滩是免费的。在岛上可以遥望到第三个岛,但真正去时,那水面下一片片的礁石啊,没鞋子的,就别下船折磨自己的脚了。最后一个是鸡岛,是浮潜的地方。 因为是单独包船,停留时间比较自由,我在岛上拍了N—多张的照片,相信大家这时候都一定是狂拍族的。

Shooting, 1700 baht and 50 rounds of ammunition, pikes and spears of their own choice, several groups of Chinese are playing.

骑大象,半天游,850铢/人,2人一头大象。很愉快的一天,就是那凳子太不舒服,而且这一路晃得,好担心我妈曾经受伤的腰啊。 按摩了多次,记不住总价,单个价目还是很熟地,曼谷一家高档按摩院,泰式按摩700铢90分钟。 也有路边小店,泰式按摩和按脚是200铢60分钟。推油400铢60分钟。清迈和曼谷的价格基本一致,清迈的按脚是150铢,附带后背的是200铢,甲米的按摩价格稍贵,肩背的是350铢,其它各涨50铢。伙伴们,比比国内的价格,再比比英国的价格,真的是赚大了,没事就去按摩吧。四.关于饮食:饮食上的消费上下浮动比较大,街边小吃50铢以内的炒面炒饭也有,(肠胃不强大的,慎选,因为老公试了一次,当晚就拉肚子,我们其它人倒没事,哈哈,抵抗力强吧),圆桌席2000铢左右的也有,个人自助餐390铢不含税的也有。老妈吃不惯泰国菜,实话说,我在饮食上也比较挑剔,出门在外,吃的好比什么都强。记下了3个自认为比较好吃的饭店:1.曼谷的,在胜利纪念碑站附近,很好找,口味接近香港广东菜系,好吃,服务也好,5-6人的圆桌价位在2000铢,回程曼谷时专门又去吃了一次。Pong Lee Restaurant,

10/1-4 Ratchawithi Road,Phaya Thai Subdistrict, Ratchathewi District | Next to Victory Monument BTS Station, Bangkok, Thailand

2. Jiami, In addition to the 390 baht buffet dinner (excluding tax, service charge and drinks) at the hotel, I ate twice at a seafood stall by the sea, which was also about 1500-2000 baht. My name was not intentionally photographed. At the edge of Onan Beach, at the corner of the street, there was a ticket office nearby. It was obvious that some seats near the sea of the hotel were extended to the beach and could watch the scenery while eating. 3. Chiang Mai, when he deeply misses Chinese food, even the refreshing tofu soup is extremely delicious. Unexpectedly, he found a restaurant with Yunnan cuisine. The environment is simple and clean, and the taste of the food is comfortable. We asked for two portions of pork tofu soup, and found many Chinese. Perhaps everyone is here to satisfy their appetites. The price of meals for 5-6 people is 1,000 baht. It is located in an alley south of the hotel, less than 10 minutes’ walk. 5. About the phone card bought at Bangkok’s new airport after the communication and traffic landed, the 14-day package and unlimited Internet traffic, like 549 baht. Shopping malls and roadside shops have only 7-day packages, with more than 300 baht. It depends on the number of tourists to decide which is more cost-effective. Chartered buses, taxis, light rail, double cars and chug cars are all over the street. I think it is almost acceptable to bargain. Because we have a large number of people, take my behavior as an example: 1. Bangkok Suwannabe New Airport to RATCHAPROROP Station by Airport Express, 40 baht per person, about half an hour. 2. TAXI near RATCHAPROROP Station to Bangkok Langman Old Airport, normal TAXI, including tip 350 baht/vehicle, 20-30 minutes. (You can only take a taxi for the second half of the trip to the old airport) 3. Jiami Airport to the hotel, designated bus stop at the airport, commercial bus, 1050 baht, 25 minutes. (Previous strategies said that the airport could take taxis on its own. I didn’t see the free TAXI at that time. I also went out for a certain distance and asked the nearby cold drink shop. They all said that only at the airport bus stop could I buy tickets. TAXI seemed to need 600 baht, which may be the new policy of Jiami Airport.) 4. From the hotel to Jiami Airport, I contacted the commercial bus in advance, 600 baht. 5. Chiang Mai Airport to the hotel, large TAXI (7 seats), 250 baht, within 15 minutes (at that time, there was a TAXI management booth directly opposite Exit 1. At that time, a man was sitting there asking for a random price, and the price rose by 100 baht in an instant. In fact, the airport was not large, and there were several exits on the other side. All the staff were responsible for filling out the form and finding the driver. They also went to the same TAXI parking place to pick up the car). 6. Chiang Mai Hotel to Airport, two cars, 200 baht, within 15 minutes. 7. Bangkok Langman Old Airport to Hotel, Commercial vehicles, 600 baht, (I contacted in front of the delivery door on the second floor, just after delivering the guests) 8. Hotel to Bangkok Langman Old Airport, Commercial bus, 600 baht (I contacted at the gate of the hotel, just after delivering the guests) However, Thai drivers have real, There are also greedy ones, For example, we went to Bangkok’s Langman Old Airport. After stopping two cars, it took 400 baht for one opening and 300 baht for the other. In order to show respect and encouragement to the second driver’s truth, we gave him a tip of 50 baht, hoping that he could balance his mind and stick to this truth. Of course, for the first driver, I pointed out that he wanted too much and was not honest. 350 baht was sold and no tip was given. More unscrupulous trades, The day I finally arranged to see the Grand Palace, TAXI near the hotel, The driver was a skinny little boy, Guitar, lied about the road closure near the Grand Palace, We can only go to the dock first and then go by boat. Because we just got back from Chiang Mai, I also heard that the situation in Bangkok became tense a few days ago. So I didn’t ask much, He pulled us to the dock for about 15 minutes at a price of 100 baht. The direction is also towards the Grand Palace, But then we saw the situation at the dock, To say no decisively about asking 2,000 baht, I took TUTU nearby and went straight to the Grand Palace. During this period, many cars pulled the guests to the dock. This time we did not lose what, but it also proved that there were some traps in Thai tourism. People’s hearts were unpredictable. For those who asked exorbitant prices, just ignore them directly. It is no harm to ask more when going out. Just a little don’t understand, he was not bashful to leave his phone number, said a friend to contact him. By the way, during the trip to the Grand Palace that day, the details of some temples were quite beautiful, but seeing the majestic momentum of the Forbidden City, other palaces really could not compare with it. It is also because it is hot and crowded. Also, the ticket office posted a price of 500 baht directly, which also included tickets to another museum. It was different from the travel notes of my friends before. It was a price increase. 6. As for the places where service tips are not mandatory, depending on one’s mood, the minimum is 20 baht, and the maximum is 50 baht and 100 baht. Like a two-car ride to Jiami, Round trip, He agreed to wait for us in town for an hour. However, we still exceeded the time limit. Later, when we found a market on our way back, we stopped again in order to find my sister’s beloved durian. However, the master of the family always greeted him with a smiling face. Therefore, we gave him a lot of tips, thanked others for their due diligence, respected others’ labor, respected others’ promises, and had little money. The most important thing was to feel at ease. When going to massage, I usually give a tip of 50 baht for 400 baht of oil and 20 baht for 200 baht of Thai style, because I really feel that people are manual labor and very hard. The last massage in Chiang Mai was given 50 baht, because I felt that the service was really good after massaging there for three days in a row. In fact, to put it bluntly, the rich will give more, while the poor will give a heart, and they will always live up to the work of others. Of course, the exchange rate difference is also the main reason. Where can I find 10 yuan or a tip of 1 pound? Britain has the lowest tip of 10%, and two people have to tip 4 or 5 pounds for a meal. Therefore, my husband often reminds me not to be too stingy at the beginning. I always ask him, I only spent 200 baht of massage in total. How much tip do you expect me to give? He was speechless. The mention of the exchange rate reminds me of that funny thing. Because my sister and I are chancellors of the exchequer, He was fully responsible for paying the bill, so he left several thousand baht for his parents. Thinking that my husband and I would always be together and had no chance to spend money alone, he gave him 50 baht for spare. Later, my husband told me with great grievance that he planned to go back and tell his mother that his wife was really generous and only left him 1 pound of pocket money when traveling in Thailand. Ha ha, shame, later changed to give 1000 baht more, but it will often be requisitioned by me. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to pick up 20 baht on the road one day.
