On a hot summer day, if you are tired from traveling in Bangkok, you may as well take a quiet time and take a walk in Luphini Park. This park is easy to find. It is located at the entrance of the subway station and is also the intersection of Tiantie (Light Rail) and subway. At the gate of the park stands a statue of King Rama V in history.

Although it is located in the downtown area, the park is much bigger than I expected! Bangkok’s government officials are not stingy about the park’s occupation! A park in Nuoda is full of green. Modern buildings are reflected in the lake. Modern civilization and nature are perfectly integrated. It can be called “urban garden”. The towering palm trees and pigeons on the lake either flew around or landed on the green. Tropical flowers bloom on the lake, orange and white. Carp is very big. In large numbers. What’s more, walking along the bank of the lake, a monitor lizard climbed up from the water shaking its head and tail! It didn’t scare you! In the meantime, it is necessary to

The most appreciative thing about Lapini Park is the lake water: the lake water is very clear and green, integrated with the surrounding green trees. I really don’t know whether the lake is like this or whether there are surrounding plants as the background color. In short, it is very pleasing to the eye.